The American Society for Pharmacy Law (ASPL) is an organization of attorneys, pharmacists, pharmacist-attorneys and students of pharmacy or law who are interested in the law as it applies to pharmacy, pharmacists, wholesalers, manufacturers, state and federal government and other interested parties.

ASPL is a non-profit which encourages diversity & inclusion with the Society, regardless of differing backgrounds, perspectives, experiences, orientations, origins, and practice settings. The Society embraces participation and diversity as it leads to advancing our purpose: 

  • Furthering knowledge in the law related to pharmacists, pharmacies, the provision of pharmaceutical care, the manufacturing and distribution of drugs, and other food, drug, and medical device policy issues;
  • Communicating accurate legal educational information; and
  • Providing educational opportunities for pharmacists, attorneys, and others who are interested in pharmacy law

Latest News

February 9, 2025

PTCB Celebrates 30th Anniversary and 300,000 Active CPhTs

The Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) marks its 30th anniversary and now has over 300,000 active Certified Pharmacy Technicians (CPhTs). PTCB has granted a total of more than 840,000 certifications in its history.

PTCB also recently reached over 2,000 active Advanced Certified Pharmacy Technicians (CPhTs-Adv), a credential in the industry recognizing technicians taking on expanded responsibilities as critical pharmacy team members.

PTCB was founded by the American Pharmacists AssociationAmerican Society of Health-System PharmacistsIllinois Council of Health-System Pharmacists; and Michigan Pharmacists Association; and joined by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy in 2001 and the National Community Pharmacists Association in 2022.

[PTCB Celebrates 30 Years, Surpasses 300,000 Active Certified Pharmacy Technicians. PTCB 28 Jan 2025.]